Just a quick post here on greyhairlady.com…..
Still in Los Angeles and getting ready to go back to AZ and buy my RV. Been looking for an RV that will get me where I need to go and experience out of my comfort zone. Talked to my friend Gift today and she is waiting for me to come out there. Not sure if I’m driving or flying as it depends on if I sell my car. If I don’t I will drive it out to AZ and sell it out there. So stay tune for my video as my journey starts. When I buy the RV there is not turning back and after I buy a dog and get on the road.
Found a great site that helps you connect with other peeps that are out on the road with their RV. It’s a good way to connect with old and new friends. Go to http://www.rvillage.com/ and join it’s free and very helpful if your a newbie like me or been on the road for a long time. I have seen nothing better so far in my research in getting ready to live full time as I have found on this site. They have groups and maps and so much more. I have made new friends and looking forward in meeting up in the future in real time at and event or two.
Thanks for watching and walk in peace, love and joy…