Why do a 21 Day Gratitude Challenge one would ask? To some this is silly and others it is creating a change in one’s life. For years I have been writing down or saying out loud what I’m grateful for in my life. It would help clear way the negative thoughts from my life. I would do it in the morning and it seemed to brighten up my day and move my day into a positive frame of mind. This is a celebration of life as we touch upon the positive aspect of our heart, mind and soul. This is a gift to give to yourself as it will enrich your life on many levels.
When I saw my friend Nicolette on Facebook videos on the 21 Day Gratitude Challenge I said to myself ” Wow, I want to do this”. The 21 day gratitude challenge is about being grateful for the people, experances and love in your life. I challenge all my friends to do this and let’s be grateful for the people and the things that we have in our life.
Take the challenge and see how it can change your life.
Send me your comments and share with me your stories on how this challenge changed your life.
Click on video below and it will bring up tbe playlist for my 21 Day Gratitude Challenge.